Projekti Sveučilišta u Splitu

Sveučilište u Splitu ostvaruje dugogodišnje iskustvo u uspješnoj prijavi i provedbi projekata iz EU programa i fondova. Iskustvo je temeljeno partnerstvom u brojnim projektima financiranim iz programa Obzor 2020., Erasmus+, COSME te Europskog socijalnog fonda, Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj kao i ostalih izvora financiranja.

Trenutni projekti Sveučilišta u Splitu


ERASMUS+ European University of the Seas SEA EU
ERASMUS+ Beyond academia: broadening the career horizons of doctoral students in marine and maritime sciences in Europe SEA-EU DOC
ERASMUS+ Integration of Transversal skills into healthcare and social care higher education and curriculum ITSHEC
ERASMUS+ Energy Usage and Green Public Transportation in Future Smart Cities: An Innovative Teaching Program for Students, Stakeholders and Enterpreneurs EUGPUT
ERASMUS+ Evidenzimplementation in Clinical Practice EICP
ERASMUS+ Innovating quality assessment tools for pharmacy studies in Bosnia and Herzegovina IQPharm
ERASMUS+ European Business- and Financial Law Academy EBFLA
ERASMUS+ Capacity building for Blue Growth and curriculum development of Marine Fishery in Albania  ALMARS
ERASMUS+ Conservation of Art in Public Spaces CAPUS
ERASMUS+ Business driven problem-based learning for academic excellence in  geoinformatics GEOBIZ
ERASMUS+ Personalized Medicine Inquiry-Based Education   PROMISE
ERASMUS+ Teaching mathematics in STEM context for STEM students mathSTEM
ERASMUS+ Social Sciences and Humanities in intersectoral Outreach for better education and sustainable Innovations SHOUT
ERASMUS+ Sustainable development of BLUE economies through higher Education and innovation in Western Balkan Countries BLUEWBC
ERASMUS+ Innovative Approach in Mathematical Education for Maritime Students  MareMathics
ERASMUS+ Speculative Design - Educational Resource Toolkit SpeculativeEdu


reinforcing SustainablE Actions, resilience, cooperation and harmonisation across and by the SEA-EU Alliance reSEArch-EU
HORIZON 2020 Methods in Research on Research MIROR
HORIZON 2020 In-silico boosted, pest prevention and off-season focused IPM against new and emerging fruit flies ('OFF-Season' FF- IPM) FF-IPM
HORIZON 2020 Bio-protective cultures and bioactive extracts as sustainable combined strategies to improve the shelf-life of perishable Mediterranean food (BioProMedFood) BioProMed   Food
HORIZON 2020 Next generation test bed for upscaling of microfluidic devices based on nano-enabled surfaces and membranes

NextGen         Microfluidics

EUROPEAID Zajedničko razvijanje kapaciteta: Europske mreže civilnih udruga i sveučilišta za globalno učenje o migracijama, sigurnosti i održivom razvoju u međuzavisnom svijetu INTERCAP
INTERREG Fisheries in the Adriatic Region a Shared Ecosystem Approach  FAIRSEA
INTERREG Water management solutions for reducing microbial environment impact in coastal areas WATERCARE
ERDF Centar izvrsnosti za znanost i tehnologije STIM REI
ERDF Rekonstrukcija studentskog doma "Bruno Bušić"


ERDF Funkcionalna integracija Sveučilišta u Splitu, PMF-ST, PF-ST te KTF-ST kroz razvoj znanstveno-istraživačke infrastrukture u Zgradi tri fakulteta ZGRADA 3F
ERDF Znanstveno-inovacijski centar Sveučilišta u Split ZIC
ERDF Stavljanje u funkciju novoizgrađene nastambe za pokusne životinje na Sveučilištu u Splitu NASTAMBA
ESF Internacionalizacija studijskih programa Morskog ribarstva i Vojnog pomorstva na Sveučilištu u Splitu INTERIV
ESF Unaprjeđenje i provedba stručne prakse na Sveučilišnom odjelu za stručne studije


ESF Uspostava regionalnog centra kompetentnosti u sektoru turizma i ugostiteljstva Split


FP7 Platform foR European Preparedness Against (Re-)emerging Epidemics PREPARE
  Centre for the development of biodegradable plastics in marine applications - Innovations for fisheries and aquaculture Biodegradable plastics
  Potential for Using SIT, Mating Disruption and Other IPM Tools to Eradicate Box Tree Moth Incursions in the U.S.


EIT HEI Creating Holistic Innovation Capacity CHIC
HORIZON 2020 Widening Call for Developing Hubs BOWI
HORIZON 2020 E-commerce warehouse system for a smart manufacturing company – SEAL MART D.O.O DIH World
HORIZON 2020 Services in Support for Business and Innovation in Croatia - Key Account Management EEN
HRZZ Forenzička identifikacija ljudskih ostataka analizom MSCT snimaka HRZZ CTforID
OPERATIVNI PROGRAM ZA POMORSTVO I RIBARSTVO Inovativni, ekološki pristup uzgoju dagnje na konopima od recikliranih materijala uz eDNA barkodiranje i pasterizaciju konzumnih školjki s ciljem podizanja kvalitete i vrijednosti finalnog proizvoda te zaštita okoliša INNODAGNJA
HORIZON EUROPE Reconnect science with the blue society  BlueConnect
HORIZON 2020 Valorization of Mediterranean AlMond orchards through the use of intercropping integrated strategies  VALMEDALM
HORIZON 2020 Innovative sustainable organic sea fennel (Crithmum maritimum L.) – based cropping systems to boost agrobiodiversity, profitability, circularity, and resilience to climate changes in Mediterranean small farm SEA FENNEL4MED
ERASMUS + Communication skills for students of vocational schools for medical professions: Design thinking for participatory medicine  DesignCare
ERASMUS + University Green Digital Hub University Green Digital Hub
ERASMUS + Upgrading and harmonization of Maritime law STCW based curriculum for Maritime students MareLaw

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