According to latest ranking for 2024, University of Split is ranked 94th, out of 1072 institutions. This success is even greater if we consider that a total of 2,880 higher education institutions worldwide applied for this ranking.
Exceptional success was achieved in several categories, which shows that University encourages student mobility and openness towards international cooperation and joint projects, promotes implementation of advanced digital technologies in the blue economy, as well as innovation in its surrounding, and strengthens activities in fields of digital transformation, interdisciplinary collaborations and research excellence.
In the category Student mobility and openness - Activity Fostering Global Exchange and Collaborative Learning Across Borders, University of Split ranked 23rd out of 172 applications (last year ranked 50th).
In the category Infrastructure / technology - Activity Digital Transformation for Cross-Sector Collaboration and Research Excellence, we ranked 41st out of 360 applications, achieving excellent 10th place in the category Symbols (Promotion) - Activity Reconnect Science with the Blue Society — I Explore, with as many as 120 applicants.