Sveučilište u Splitu podržava UN-ove ciljeve održivog razvoja
Dva predavanja prof. Piotra Stepnowskog, rektora Sveučilišta u Gdanjsku na KTF-u


  • Cilj 4
  • Cilj 17
Rektor Sveučilišta u Gdanjsku, prof. Piotr Stepnowski održat će dva predavanja na Kemijsko-tehnološkom fakultetu u Splitu, u četvrtak, 4. travnja, i u petak, 5. travnja oba u amfiteatru A02 Kemijsko-tehnološkog fakultetu u Splitu s početkom u 13:15 sati.

Rektor Stepnowski u četvrtak će održati predavanje namijenjeno prvenstveno nastavnicima KTF-a pod naslovom: Analytics and fate assessment of pharmaceutical substances in the environment. Ovo predavanje će ujedno biti i 221. kolokvij Hrvatskog kemijskog društva - Split.

Idući dan, petak 5. travnja prof. Stepnowski će održati predavanje namijenjeno studentima KTF-a pod naslovom: How to detect and measure environmental impact of novel chemicals: the case of ionic liquids. 

Oba predavanja su otvorena za javnost i svi zainteresirani su dobrodošli.

Sažetak predavanja: Analytics and fate assessment of pharmaceutical substances in the environment

The presence of pharmaceutical residues in environmental- and waste-waters is an issue of growing concern. Their widespread occurrence in the environment has been proved by a number of studies. Recent development and continual improvement of the advanced instruments and analytical methodologies have made possible detection of these compounds at low concentration levels in different environmental matrices. Although impressive improvements have been observed methodological challenges are still numerous. The lecture focuses on selected analytical challenges in the determination of pharmaceutical presence, distribution and fate in the environment. Selected case studies are presented including applicability of LC-MS for detection of sulfonamides in the natural waters, use of speed disks in preconcentration of NSAID’s  from marine waters  as well as method development with GC-MS systems for determination of estrogenic hormones. Several applications of optimized analytical methodologies are also showed including ecotoxicological profiling, soil sorption as well as degradability studies.    

Sažetak predavanja: How to detect and measure environmental impact of novel chemicals: the case of ionic liquids

Ionic liquids are a good example of the industrial chemicals of the future. They are salts with low melting points, typically consisting of nitrogen-containing organic cations and an inorganic or organic anion, commonly containing fluorine. ILs possess widely tunable physical and chemical properties and have already been utilised as alternative solvents in catalysis and organic synthesis, and as electrolytes or in the separation sciences. They are often uncritically regarded as inherently ‘green’ because of their negligible vapour pressure, and hence a good alternative to the emissions of organic solvents. Merely reducing such gaseous emissions, however, does not automatically make a process greener, and many other facts have to be taken into account before such a claim can be made.

The wide applicability of these compounds also demands reliable, relatively simple and reproducible analytical techniques. These methods must be applicable to the very low concentrations that are likely to be present in biological and environmental systems. This presentation therefore outlines methods for separating and analysing ionic liquids in different matrices using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, ion chromatography, ion-pair chromatography. Data such partition and sorption coefficients, solubility and stability in water, diffusion properties, bioconcentration factor, biodegradability and acute toxicity are also presented.
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