Celebrating the Day of University of Split’s Department of Professional Studies

University of Split Department of Professional Studies celebrated its Day on Tuesday, April 26, in the large amphitheatre of their facility in Kopilica. Along with the Department’s Head, Petar Pepur Ph.D. and his deputies Marko Miletić Ph.D., Domagoja Buljan Barbača Ph.D., Goran Ćorluka Ph.D., Tonko Kovačević Ph.D., the ceremony was also attended by prof. Dragan Ljutić Ph.D., University of Split Rector with Ivana Pletković, Head of his Office, Jelena Hrga, Head of Department for Finance and Accounting, Nataša Musap, Split-Dalmatia County Deputy Prefect, Stipe Čogelja, and many guests, staff and students.

Congratulating the Department, Rector Ljutić recalled his conversation with Nobel Prize winner Aaron Ciechanover from Haifa, about science, university and education, who stated that professions are fundamental.

- Everything is actually said in that sentence as far as our professional studies are concerned. How would a strong university like ours exist if there was no profession? We will provide you with maximum support to be stronger and more ready for everyday life, which is full of challenges, and for numerous other professions that are yet to come. Professional studies will surely be the best fit for new occupations - said Rector Ljutić.

- We are a city, county and state too small in this global market to compete in any aspect apart from knowledge. Two percent of Split-Dalmatia County's revenues are invested in research, development and innovation. If we build on excellence, our city, county and Croatia have their future secured - concluded the Split-Dalmatia County Deputy Prefect Stipe Čogelja.

In his report, Pepur commented on improving the teaching process, by organizing round tables with external stakeholders, in order to evaluate and improve on study programs, then by implementing changes that would modernize study programs, by implementing bilingual courses, in order to offer teaching in English language also for domestic students, as well as optional courses, with the aim of encouraging specific interests in students. A system of e-index for students of specialist graduate professional studies has been introduced and the ISVU system implemented in teaching, guest lectures, fieldwork and the implementing professional and specialist training in pandemic circumstances are encouraged…

He pointed out that they continually work on improving Department’s facilities, which now include 20 lecture halls, 27 laboratories, 3 IT classrooms, 4 student rooms, 32 professors’ offices and 27 non-teaching staff ones.

2.160 students are currently studying at the Department and are encouraged to experience student mobility, supported in developing entrepreneurial ideas, as well as taking part in research projects.

Today's celebration was an occasion to present letters of thanks for activity and contribution to Department’s work, to Miroslav Komlenović, B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Juraj Buzolić M.Sc., from the Tax Administration in Split, "Liberato" Association and Split-Dalmatia County.

Best students in the past academic year also received awards.