DAAD Scholarships

The German Student and Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, DAAD for short) offers scholarships to foreign students and scientists every year.

A competition for DAAD scholarships has been announced and deadline for application is May 2, 2022.

More information in attachment to this notice, at the following link: https://zagreb.diplo.de/hr-de/themen/kultur/daad/2100844

You can ask all questions about scholarship opportunities and application at Online Info sessions (consultations) via Zoom:

• April 4, 2022, at 6 pm - https://forms.gle/dAfDaHebSK8rTzR59

In addition to the online session, online consultation will be available every Friday at 14:00. You can register here: https://forms.gle/k7LfozXy1qTUG5Ld9

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