Fortuna by Endi Pošković

The exhibition includes a selection of graphics from 2002 to 2022. The Fortuna exhibition is a complex visual entity that brings a narrower selection of graphics created in the previous twenty years of work, namely three graphic series Majestic, Crossing, and Dream. Endi Pošković's visual work draws on influences such as early cinema, Japanese ukiyo-e prints, and European propaganda posters. Traversing analog and digital realms in his creative practice of drawing, graphics, and animation, Pošković explores the nature of composite narrative in which visual signifiers, real and imagined, intersect to form images that suggest dichotomies, suggesting themes of displacement, transformation, and revival.

 The exhibition was presented by curator Ana Čukušić.

 Endi Pošković – lecture

The author, professor Endi Pošković, also hold a lecture, Impossible Objects: Memory and the Paradox of Image, intended for students, but also for all interested parties before the exhibition at the Art Academy in Split.

Duration: October 25 - November 14, 2022.