Rector of the University of Split prof. Dragan Ljutić Ph.D. participated in the online meeting of the European University of the Sea alliance leaders

University of Split’s Rector, prof. Dragan Ljutić Ph.D, on Tuesday, November 17, participated in the online meeting of the leaders of the European University of the Sea alliance. On that occasion, the newly elected rector of the University of Kiel, prof. dr. sc. Simone Fuldi was welcomed in the alliance.

Topic of the meeting was the implementation of SEA-EU partner universities short-term and long-term strategies to achieve the goals of the European Universities Initiative, and the agenda of the next Steering Committee meeting, to be held in December in Split, was also discussed.

The main goals of the Alliance are, among other things, developing the highest quality academic, innovative and entrepreneurial environment, promoting excellence in education, training and research in areas of specialization, as well as transferring knowledge to society through various activities. 68 faculties included in the project are developing innovative pedagogies and promoting the latest digital technologies, and more than 120,000 students will have the opportunity to attend classes or training (both in person and virtually) in one of the partner countries. One of the goals is to create an open knowledge base and open science to the society in which we live; hoping that this good practice will in the future transcend this alliance’s boundaries.