Sveučilište u Splitu podržava UN-ove ciljeve održivog razvoja
SEA-EU joint studies in full swing


  • Cilj 4
  • Cilj 17
Two important events were held at University of Split - SEA-EU academic committee meeting for the joint doctoral study "Marine and Maritime Sciences and Technologies", on January 25 and 26, and meeting of experts for the joint master study MIPMAL (Master in Port Management and Logistics ) on January 30 and 31.
Within the project SEA-EU for all’s task 2.4, there is a plan to establish an inter-university campus, where students can participate in joint, interdisciplinary and innovative study programs at all levels.
The creation and implementation of the joint undergraduate study "Sustainable Blue Economy" is coordinated by the University of Cádiz. Joint graduate study "Sustainable Management of Organizations" was designed as part of the TURQUOOOISE project, and five SEA-EU partner universities, under the leadership of the University of Brest, participate in it. The TURQUOOOISE project was financed under Erasmus Mundus Design Measures and was completed last month.
In addition to online meetings, experts working on creating joint master study "Port Management and Logistics" were able to participate in meetings (in Algeciras, Gdansk), last of which was held in Split. During this two-day stay, expert group members visited Port Authority offices and the northern (freight) Split port, and the second day included a workshop at the Faculty of Maritime Studies.
SEA-EU joint doctoral study "Marine and Maritime Sciences and Technologies" is the last of four joint SEA-EU study programs, created and implemented by 5 partner universities, under the leadership of University of Split. Meeting of experts for the joint doctoral study was, for the second time, held at Split Faculty of Maritime Studies, and during two days, participants of the SEA-EU Joint PhD Academic Committee made final decisions that will determine (the way of) carrying out this innovative program involving all partners’ equal participation, offering students advanced knowledge, skills and competences in the field of sea and oceans’ sustainability, their resources and related services.
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