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Successful second Healtech Adria Meetup Photo Gallery
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NetHub accelerator, in cooperation with Split School of Medicine, again opened doors of the Centre for Clinical Skills, in the second Healthtech Adria Meetup, on applying artificial intelligence in healthcare!

The main goal of yesterday's event, along with networking of healthtech community stakeholders, was informing about one of current topics of today: applying artificial intelligence in the health sector.

The Meetup started with a lecture by Goran Krakar Ph.D., specialized in pediatrics and pediatric neurology, as well as C.E.O. of Dr. Sabol Polyclinic for Children's Diseases, an inspiring scientist known for developing the innovative application SENDD, which uses artificial intelligence for early detection of potential neurodevelopmental deviations in infants. Mr. Krakar gave a lecture entitled ‘From the clinic to AI innovation’, emphasizing importance of sharing ideas and creating a network of stakeholders.
His interesting lecture was followed by a panel discussion, moderated by Maja Čurković, head of research and development at NetHub, who opened the discussion asking the question - What do you think about current impact of AI on society?

Giving us their unique perspective on the development of artificial intelligence in healthcare, changes it brings and insights into latest technological trends that will shape the future of healthcare, in a panel discussion, along with Gorana Krakar Ph.D., other participants were: Ognjen Bagatin, co-owner and C.E.O. of Polyclinic Sinteza, part of the Futura Medical Group; Ivan Biliškov, founder and C.E.O. of IT company Codeasy, as well as Ph.D. student at FESB in Split, and Petar Šolić Ph.D., assoc. prof. at FESB, founder and C.E.O. of Waveform.

Panelists emphasized how nowadays people are more and more open to artificial intelligence and its application, and will be even more so in the future. They agreed that marketing and developing ChatGPT brought the term artificial intelligence closer to people and impacted the way general public perceives AI.

We are happy to announce third Meetup that will take place soon... stay tuned!
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