Sveučilište u Splitu podržava UN-ove ciljeve održivog razvoja


Dear Erasmus student, 

Let me introduce you to the Erasmus Student Network, which tends to be the biggest European student organization. ESN fosters positive change in the world by promoting mobility and intercultural understanding. Under the slogan Students helping students over 50000 volunteers in 42 countries are helping more than 350000 Erasmus students each year.  

ESN Split is a small local section of this big network. We have around 70 volunteers who can’t wait to welcome you and to help you discover all the beauty of Croatia and its culture!

In order to assist you in the very beginning when you might find yourself in the biggest difficulties, we are providing you with the Buddy system. A Buddy is a local ESN student that helps incoming Erasmus student prior to and during his student exchange. Buddies can help with paperwork, language barriers, accommodation search, getting around or anything else one incoming student might need. This is a great opportunity to make your first local friend and to learn all the tips and tricks that will help you experience Croatia to its fullest. 

For the Buddy system, we are using Papaya platform. Links to Papaya:

-          web app:

-          iOS app (App Store):

-          Android app (Play Store):

But let's get back to other ESN activities. ESN Split is preparing numerous events to help you explore new things each day. We are divided into teams and each team is dedicated to a different cause. To keep you physically and mentally active, we are organizing many sports events and tournaments. To satisfy your inner travel bug, we take you on trips alongside the whole of Croatia or, if you prefer raising your awareness and meeting the local community, you can join us on one or all of ours volunteering activities. There will be cultural events such as art and poesy nights, pub quizzes, museum and gallery visits for cultural uplift and the best social gatherings to make your stay unforgettable!

So dear friend, if you got into your Erasmus, there is nothing to worry about, ESN got it all covered for you. Just apply for our Buddy program, start packing your bags and embrace yourself for the experience of your life! 


Looking forward to meeting you!

 Your ESN team

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