A revised edition of the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity was published ih June 2023.
These two documents, addressed to researchers as well as research employers and funders in both the public and private sectors, are key elements in the EU's policy to boost researchers' careers. Research careers in Europe are fragmented at local, regional, national or sectoral level, not allowing Europe to make the most of its scientific potential. The Charter and Code ensures that researchers can enjoy the same rights and obligations in any European country.
University of Split signed Declaration of Commitment to “The European Charter for Researchers” and “The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers” on April 29, 2010., thus committing itself to ensure transparent recruitment processes and equal treatment of all applicants. The aim is to ensure fair conditions for researchers, with the clear intention to contribute to the advancement of the European Research Area.
The recruitment and development of talented academic staff is recognized as essential to achieving University of Split's ambitions as an internationally oriented research university.
University of Split has been awarded by the European Commission with Human Resources Excellence in Research logo in 2013 identifying University of Split as a provider of a high standard working environment for researchers.
In 2023, the reaccreditation process began at the University. After the positive assessment of the European Commission in May 2024, the University of Split continues to be the holder of the "HR Excellence in Research" award for the next 3 years.
More information on HRS4R is available on the website of the European Commission.
University of Split has been awarded by the European Commission with Human Resources Excellence in Research logo in 2013 identifying University of Split as a provider of a high standard working environment for researchers.
In 2023, the reaccreditation process began at the University. After the positive assessment of the European Commission in May 2024, the University of Split continues to be the holder of the "HR Excellence in Research" award for the next 3 years.
The HR Excellence in Research award is awarded to the applicant organisation after a thorough internal analysis of the institution’s personnel policy and conditions through legislation, agreements and other guidelines, as well as an external assessment. Institutions who receive the award are expected to have, maintain and develop a stimulating and beneficial working environment for researchers. The award also acknowledges a University’s commitment to fair and transparent recruitment and appraisal procedures and to their continuous development.
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Internal Review for Interim Assessment_2015
For the HR Excellence in Research award renewal University of Split has developed Internal review with new action plan 2020-2022 and embedded OTM-R principles.
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In 2023, the reaccreditation process began at the University. After the positive assessment of the European Commission in May 2024, the University of Split continues to be the holder of the "HR Excellence in Research" award for the next 3 years.
The HR Excellence in Research award is awarded to the applicant organisation after a thorough internal analysis of the institution’s personnel policy and conditions through legislation, agreements and other guidelines, as well as an external assessment. Institutions who receive the award are expected to have, maintain and develop a stimulating and beneficial working environment for researchers. The award also acknowledges a University’s commitment to fair and transparent recruitment and appraisal procedures and to their continuous development.
Internal analysis and Action plan_2013
Internal Review for Interim Assessment_2015
For the HR Excellence in Research award renewal University of Split has developed Internal review with new action plan 2020-2022 and embedded OTM-R principles.
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The Steering Committee continued to actively monitor and participate in the implementation of the HRS4R process and submitted a report on the activities carried out at the University of Split, in accordance with the plan from the "Internal review of HR Strategy and Action Plan" document, for the period from 2020 to 2022.
Report on the implementation of the document "Internal review of HR Strategy and Action Plan"
The Action plan of the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) for the period 2023-2025 was adopted by the Senate on March 30, 2023.
The Committee for Open Science was also appointed, which drafted the Open Science Policy of the University of Split, which was accepted by the University Senate on March 30, 2023.
Report on the implementation of the document "Internal review of HR Strategy and Action Plan"
The Action plan of the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) for the period 2023-2025 was adopted by the Senate on March 30, 2023.
The Committee for Open Science was also appointed, which drafted the Open Science Policy of the University of Split, which was accepted by the University Senate on March 30, 2023.
The aim of the Open, transparent and merit-based recruitment of researchers policy (OTM-R Policy) is to optimise and objectivize the recruitment procedures at the University of Split and its constituents in order to ensure equal requirements for all applicants and thus the prospect of appointing the best applicants for the research positions.
The OTM-R Policy is based on the following principles:
Openness to public
Equal availability
Merit-based selection
Competencies of the members of the selection committees
The OTM-R Policy has been approved by the Senate on October 31st 2019 and is still in place.
OTM-R Policy
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The University of Split demonstrates its commitment to the Charter and Code by engaging with the academic community in various ways. The Steering Committee, consisting of both academics and administrative staff at UNIST, successfully obtained approval for HRS4R Action Plan 2023-2025 from the University Senate. UNIST adheres to the rules set forth in the Charter and Code, as referenced in the Strategic Objective 1 of the University Strategy 2021-2025, referring to scientific excellence for academic and societal impact.
In order to ensure compliance, surveys were conducted in 2019 and 2023 to gather the views and experiences of a variety of academic groups on the relevant issues.
To oversee the implementation of HRS4R related activities, there is a Steering Committee appointed, including members from University management, human resources, research support administration and researchers in different stages of their research career. They are in charge of GAP-Analysis, development of Action plan and implementation of activities in Human Resources Strategy for Researchers of University of Split Incorporating the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers and implementation of HRS4R at UNIST.
An overview of activities is produced before each Steering Committee meeting to summarize recent work with HRS4R and its implementation. The goal is to provide an overall overview of the implemented activities and the activities that are planned. These reports are used for tracking indicators/targets.
Prof. Igor Jerković PhD, Vice-rector for Science and Quality
Prof. Zoran Đogaš PhD, Vice-rector for International Collaboration and Cooperation with Local Community
Prof. Bosiljka Britvić Vetma PhD, Vice-rector for Legal Affairs
Filip Klarić-Kukuz, Secretary general
Petra Jelić, Head of Science Office, University of Split
Martina Čagalj, PhD, research assistant at INNOSOL4MED project
Ana Grgić, Head of Technology transfer Office, University of Split
Prof. Jasna Puizina PhD, Faculty of Science
Assoc. Prof. Katija Kalebić Jakupčević PhD, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
In order to ensure compliance, surveys were conducted in 2019 and 2023 to gather the views and experiences of a variety of academic groups on the relevant issues.
To oversee the implementation of HRS4R related activities, there is a Steering Committee appointed, including members from University management, human resources, research support administration and researchers in different stages of their research career. They are in charge of GAP-Analysis, development of Action plan and implementation of activities in Human Resources Strategy for Researchers of University of Split Incorporating the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers and implementation of HRS4R at UNIST.
An overview of activities is produced before each Steering Committee meeting to summarize recent work with HRS4R and its implementation. The goal is to provide an overall overview of the implemented activities and the activities that are planned. These reports are used for tracking indicators/targets.
Prof. Igor Jerković PhD, Vice-rector for Science and Quality
Prof. Zoran Đogaš PhD, Vice-rector for International Collaboration and Cooperation with Local Community
Prof. Bosiljka Britvić Vetma PhD, Vice-rector for Legal Affairs
Filip Klarić-Kukuz, Secretary general
Petra Jelić, Head of Science Office, University of Split
Martina Čagalj, PhD, research assistant at INNOSOL4MED project
Ana Grgić, Head of Technology transfer Office, University of Split
Prof. Jasna Puizina PhD, Faculty of Science
Assoc. Prof. Katija Kalebić Jakupčević PhD, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
The University of Split involves the academic community in several ways, by showing the actions and values connected to the Charter and Code:
- Professional commitment - the steering committee represents the academics and the administration staff of UNIST,
- Institutional commitment - the HRS4R has been adopted by the University management and Senate. In the Strategy of University of Split 2021-2025, encouraging human resource excellence in research is stated as a priority task,
- Guidance and feedback - surveys for academics in all stages of career development on their views and experiences with the issues related to Action plan for HRS4R.
The University of Split fully supports the activities of the European Commission, which as part of its Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 showed commitment to promoting gender equality in research and innovation. UNIST addresses this topic for a long time, especially in recent years when a number of measures and activities were undertaken to improve gender equality as part of the HRS4R Excellence in Human Resources in Research process and through:
All researchers have a right to library assistance, as well as to the assistance of the administrative staff at their faculties and the central university offices (i.e. the Science Office, Technology Transfer Office, Office for Research and Development, Office of International Relations). In addition, staff can use services of the Centre for career counselling and the psychological support.