Sveučilište u Splitu podržava UN-ove ciljeve održivog razvoja
National Assembly for Mathematics Teachers:


  • Cilj 4
  • Cilj 17
The National Assembly for Mathematics Teachers, entitled Research in mathematics education took place at University of Split’s Faculty of Science (PMF), February 22-24, 2024. This is first such assembly organized by PMF, in cooperation with its long-term partner Agency for Education and support of the Split Mathematical Society.

The goal of the assembly is to bring together experts in mathematics teaching methodology and present recent research in the field. What is more, PMF, with the first in a series of such events, wants to strengthen the connection with mathematics teachers in Dalmatia and beyond, to promote its doctoral study Research in education in the field of natural and technical sciences, as well as its professional didactic journal Acta Mathematica Spalatensia, Series Didactica, published regularly, since 2018, by PMS’s Department of Mathematics and Split Mathematical Society.

Over 150 participants from all over Croatia took part in the three-day meeting. Seven invited speakers, university professors from Ljubljana, Split, Rijeka, Zagreb and Osijek presented their works. Antonela Czwik, senior advisor for mathematics from AZOO, and mathematics teachers working as advisors from Split, Strožanac, Bibinje, Zadar and Šibenik also presented theirs.
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